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Bridge Publisher is a non-profit, student-led high school organization which is dedicated to providing South Korean children in poverty with free ESL materials. As the name Bridge Publisher goes, we, as an organization, want to be the bridge that connects those children with the education they deserve. Anybody, by accessing this website, can download the ESL materials we create starting from those that cover basic English vocabulary words all the way to the advanced ones made for upper elementary school students.


"Equality is a cause I have always believed in. We are a group of extremely privileged individuals, many of who easily forget how gifted they are at times. Therefore, I find significance in taking advantage of what we have so that we can give to others who may lack the resources we so easily take for granted. Our point of focus in pursuing equality in Bridge Publisher is education for all. We know ESL textbooks sold in local bookstores are quite expensive, and that there are many students who want to learn English but can not due to the factor which draw them back – money. Hence why we have decided to create free ESL materials with Korean explanations for beginners, thus making full usage of what we were lucky enough to receive; education entirely in another language. My vision for Bridge Publisher is infinite. We have made tremendous progress in achieving our goals, despite having been established last year. I wish to raise awareness not only amongst our peers but also amongst the Korean society in general. Making such change may seem difficult, but I believe the small steps we are taking as a club can, in the long run, make a difference in how we perceive the world and more importantly what we as individuals can do to help those in need." – Leona Maruyama ('17)


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